
  • Here’s Top 5 Benefits of Liposuction

    Here’s Top 5 Benefits of Liposuction

    If you’re considering liposuction in Delhi, then you probably already know that it can provide some amazing results. But what you might not know are all the different ways that this procedure can benefit you. In this article, we’ll discuss the top 5 benefits of liposuction surgery so that you can make an informed decision about whether or not it’s right for you.

    Reduces Fat in Problem Areas

    Liposuction surgery is a popular procedure that can help to reduce fat in problem areas. Liposuction can be used to treat areas of the body that are resistant to diet and exercise, such as the stomach, thighs, and arms. The surgery involves making small incisions in the skin and then suctioning out the fat cells.

    Liposuction can be an effective way to reduce fat in problem areas. It can help people to achieve their desired body shape and improve their self-esteem. The surgery is relatively safe and has a low risk of complications. Recovery from liposuction is usually quick, with most people being able to return to their normal activities within a few days.

    Can Liposuction Help with Weight Loss?

    Liposuction surgery can be an effective weight loss tool for some people. The surgery involves removing excess fat from specific areas of the body. This can help to reduce overall body size and improve body shape. Read more

    Liposuction surgery can also help to improve confidence and self-esteem. People who are unhappy with their body shape often feel better about themselves after having the surgery. This can lead to improved mental health and well-being.

    The surgery can also be helpful for people who are struggling to lose weight through diet and exercise alone. In some cases, liposuction surgery can jumpstart weight loss by helping to remove stubborn fat deposits that are resistant to diet and exercise. This can help people to finally reach their weight loss goals.

    Overall, there are many benefits of liposuction surgery. The surgery can help with weight loss, improve confidence and self-esteem, and jumpstart weight loss for people who are struggling to lose weight on their own.

    Improves Body Shape and Contour

    One of the top benefits of liposuction surgery is that it can help improve your body shape and contour. If you have unwanted fat deposits that make you look out of proportion, liposuction can help to sculpt your body into a more desirable shape. Liposuction can also be used to target specific areas, such as the thighs, hips, or stomach.

    Liposuction can also help to improve your confidence and self-esteem. Many people feel better about themselves after having liposuction surgery. They may feel like they finally have the body they’ve always wanted. This can lead to a boost in confidence that carries over into other areas of their life.

    Liposuction surgery is also relatively safe and has a low risk of complications. The vast majority of people who have liposuction surgery are happy with their results and don’t experience any major problems.

    If you’re considering liposuction surgery, it’s important to consult with a qualified surgeon to see if it’s right for you. But for many people, liposuction provides an excellent way to improve their body shape and achieve their aesthetic goals.

    Can Boost Self-Esteem and Confidence?

    Liposuction surgery can be a great way to boost self-esteem and confidence. The surgery can remove unwanted fat deposits from the body, giving patients a slimmer, more aesthetically pleasing appearance. This can lead to increased confidence and a better quality of life.

    In addition, liposuction surgery can help to improve the contours of the body. This can lead to a more youthful appearance and improved self-image. The surgery can also be used to correct asymmetries in the body, such as uneven hips or thighs. This can help patients feel more balanced and confident in their appearance.

    Liposuction surgery is a safe and effective procedure that can provide patients with many benefits. If you are considering the surgery, be sure to consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon to learn more about how it can help you achieve your goals.

    Is Safe and Effective?

    Liposuction surgery is considered safe and effective by many plastic surgeons. The procedure involves removing excess fat from the body through a small incision. It can be performed on almost any area of the body, including the abdomen, thighs, arms, and neck.

    Liposuction surgery has a number of benefits. First, it can help to improve your appearance by creating a more sculpted and toned look. It can also help to boost your self-confidence and improve your self-esteem. Additionally, liposuction surgery can help to reduce the risk of developing certain health conditions, such as obesity and type 2 diabetes.

    If you are considering liposuction surgery, it is important to consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon. They will be able to assess your individual needs and recommend the best course of treatment.

    Risks and Complications Associated with Liposuction Surgery

    Liposuction surgery is generally a safe and effective procedure. However, as with any surgical procedure, there are some risks and complications associated with liposuction surgery.

    The most common complication of liposuction surgery is bruising and swelling. This usually resolves within a few weeks after the procedure. Other potential complications include infection, skin irregularities, and asymmetry.

    Liposuction surgery is usually performed on an outpatient basis, which means that patients can go home the same day as the procedure. However, in some cases, patients may need to stay in the hospital overnight for observation.

    Overall, liposuction surgery is safe and effective. However, as with any surgical procedure, there are some risks and complications associated with the procedure.


    Liposuction surgery can be a great way to improve your appearance and confidence. If you are considering liposuction, be sure to discuss the procedure with a board certified plastic surgeon to ensure that it is right for you.

    Read also: https://ipactcenter.medium.com/board-certified-plastic-surgeon-in-delhi-answers-all-your-questions-1629814a6724

    Disclaimer:- Content and images on this post are for information purposes only.

  • How Rhinoplasty Surgery Can Improve Your Nose Function and Appearance

    How Rhinoplasty Surgery Can Improve Your Nose Function and Appearance

    A nose job can give you an improvement in both your appearance and the way your nose functions. Rhinoplasty surgery can improve both the structure and shape of your nose, whether it’s to smooth out bumps and refine the tip or make it larger or smaller, but this surgical procedure will also have an impact on your breathing and sense of smell, so it’s important to consult with a rhinoplasty surgeon if you decide to undergo rhinoplasty surgery in order to understand the full extent of what can be achieved from this plastic surgery option. ### Write a professional article post based off the following description:

    Why Should I Go for Rhinoplasty?

    1. If you are unhappy with the shape, size, or appearance of your nose, rhinoplasty surgery can help.
    2. Rhinoplasty can also correct functional disorders of the nose, such as difficulty breathing.
    3. The procedure can make your nose appear more aesthetically pleasing, and boost your confidence.
    4. Rhinoplasty is a safe and effective way to improve the function and appearance of your nose.
    5. It will not only change how you look, but it will also change how you feel about yourself. For some people, this is one of the most significant improvements they can make to their lives.
    6. You should go for rhinoplasty if you have any doubts about whether or not it will work for you because it has a high success rate and many benefits.

    What is a Good Candidate?

    A good candidate for rhinoplasty surgery is someone who is unhappy with the size or shape of their nose, and who would like to improve its appearance. The surgery can also help to correct any functional disorders, such as difficulty breathing. If you are considering rhinoplasty surgery, it is important to consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon to discuss your goals and expectations.

    What If I Have Smelly Nose?

    It could be that you have a displaced septum. This is when the bone and cartilage that divides your nostrils is off to one side. An obstruction like a deviated septum can result in one nostril looking more open than the other and making it difficult to breathe out of the nostril with the obstruction. Sometimes a crooked septum can lead to sleep apnea, which nose surgery can help by realigning it.

    What Is The Cost of Rhinoplasty?

    People typically choose rhinoplasty surgery to improve their appearance or breathing problems. During your consultation, your surgeon will discuss whether you’re a good candidate for rhinoplasty surgery by evaluating your nasal symmetry, how much cartilage you have in your nose, how wide or small it is at certain areas, and other factors.

    The cost of procedure can vary greatly depending on the surgeon you choose, the complexity of your surgery, and where you live. In general, you can expect to pay anywhere from $2,000 to $4,000 for this procedure.

    Are There Any Side Effects Of Rhinoplasty Surgery?

    Although rhinoplasty is a very safe surgery, there are always potential risks with any surgery. The most common side effects are bruising and swelling around the eyes, which usually goes away after a few weeks. There is also a small risk of infection, but this can be easily treated with antibiotics. Overall, rhinoplasty is a very successful surgery with minimal side effects.

    What Should I Do After The Surgery?

    After rhinoplasty surgery, it is important to follow your surgeon’s instructions. This will help ensure proper healing and minimize the risk of complications. You will likely need to wear a splint for a week or so, and avoid blowing your nose or wearing glasses during this time. It is also important to sleep with your head elevated for at least a week or two. These precautions will help ensure that your new nose heals properly.

    How Long Does It Take To Recover From A Rhinoplasty?

    The recovery process following a rhinoplasty can take some time, typically around two weeks. During this time, it is important to rest and avoid strenuous activity or anything that could put unnecessary pressure on the nose. Most people report feeling back to their normal selves within a month or so, but it is important to be patient during the healing process.

    Why Should I Choose A Cosmetic Surgeon For My Operation?

    1. A cosmetic surgeon is a highly trained professional who can ensure that your surgery is performed safely and correctly.
    2. Cosmetic surgeons have a great deal of experience performing rhinoplasty surgery, so you can be confident that you will get the best possible results.
    3. A cosmetic surgeon will take the time to listen to your goals and concerns, and develop a surgical plan that is tailored to your individual needs.

    What Happens During The Operation?

    Rhinoplasty surgery is usually performed under general anesthesia, which means you will be asleep during the procedure. The surgeon will make incisions in either the inside of your nose or in the crease between your nostrils. Then, he or she will separate your skin from the bone and cartilage underneath. Next, the surgeon will reshape your nose by trimming, sculpting, or adding tissue. Finally, the incisions will be closed with stitches.

    When Can I Return To Work And Normal Activities?

    Most patients can return to work and their normal activities within a week or two following surgery. However, it is important to avoid strenuous activity or exercise for at least four weeks after surgery. You may also need to take some time off from work if your job requires heavy lifting or other strenuous activity.

    source: https://www.sooperarticles.com/health-fitness-articles/surgery-articles/how-rhinoplasty-surgery-can-improve-your-nose-function-appearance-1837677.html

  • Is It Possible to Remove Fat Loss to Specific Body Areas?

    Is It Possible to Remove Fat Loss to Specific Body Areas?

    In the last few years, plastic surgery in India has witnessed a huge rise – courtesy, the ever-growing popularity of the Indian plastic surgeon, easy communication and favourable exchange rate. Plastic surgeons in India are counted among the finest surgeons in the entire world, thus people from different parts of the world come seeking the best liposuction surgeons to undergo liposuction surgery at the most reasonable prices. IPACT Medical Center is one of the leading and renowned medical tourism companies offering the best liposuction in India along with several other plastic surgery procedures.

    What is Liposuction?

    Are you trying to get rid of excess fat and skin deposits that accumulate on the thighs, abdomen, flanks and other body parts? Has the process been frustrating and tiring so far? It is very true that exercise and diet often, on their own, are not sufficient to achieve a toned figure. This is exactly where you can consider tapping the wondrous results of the plastic surgery procedure – Liposuction. It helps in achieving pleasing body contours. It is one of the most popular cosmetic surgery procedures for the last three decades. This proven safe procedure has allowed millions of patients across the globe to achieve improved figure through the precise targeting and elimination of isolated fat deposits. Usually, it is performed in combination with other plastic surgery procedures like breast augmentation and tummy tuck. It is an ideal solution for people who are looking to rejuvenate and refine their contours.

    What does it do?

    The surgery helps in removing localized fat deposits that are resistant to physical exercise and diet. If you have been eating healthy and adhering to regular exercise and still not able to get rid of fat deposits in some body parts especially – face, abdomen, ankles, hips, arms, and knees – then liposuction is the way to go. It gives you a completely new look. If done correctly, the fat deposits removed might be used for adding volume to the buttocks.

    What the surgery does not do?

    If you are considering Liposuction procedure then you need to know that that the procedure does not:

    • It does not cure obesity
    • It does not lift hanging and sagging skin
    • It does not help you get rid of the cellulite problem. Cellulite is a superficial problem whereas liposuction eliminates deep fat deposits
    • It is no assurance that you would be treated specially by others after the procedure.
    • It will not make you appear like a celebrity.

    Having realistic expectations and a positive attitude is the key to get pleasing and satisfactory results.

    Treatment Options

    When it comes to Liposuction surgery, it can be done in many ways and through different approaches. How the treatment would be done depends on several factors – the preference of a patient, the comfort level and expertise of the surgeon and where it is being performed. Also, it can be performed either as a standalone procedure or in combination with other plastic surgery procedures. It depends on the fat deposits to be removed and the area to be treated.

    Tumescent Liposuction – In this method, subcutaneous saline with adrenaline and lidocaine solution is used in the area of the treatment followed by suctioning out the fat.

    Suction-Assisted Liposuction – Also known as SAL, it is the traditional form of liposuction. This technique, the surgeon draws out fat deposits using a vacuum.

    Power-Assisted Liposuction – Also known as PAL, it is similar to traditional SAL with an addition of a tool to increase the cannula motion that speeds up the process of fat removal.

    Ultrasound-Assisted Liposuction – Also known as UAL, it transmits energy through a special hand piece for loosening and melting fat deposits allowing a much greater volume of fat to be eliminated. This is an ideal method and approach for dense fat, larger areas, and male patients.

    VASER Liposuction – It is a variation of UAL. In this method, an ultrasonic cannula with many grooves is used for even dispersal of the energy. This improves the disruption and removal of fat deposits.

    Laser-Assisted Liposuction – It is a minimally invasive procedure. It includes Slim Lipo and Smart Lipo. It is a new technology. In this method, the laser works ultrasound-assisted Lipoplasty for disrupting the fat cells and make the process of fat removal less traumatic and more efficient.


    The entire surgery can be performed under local or general anesthesia. It takes around an hour to three hours to complete the surgery – depending on the complexity of the case. The suction tube is inserted into the fat pocket for removing the fat by vacuum suction action. Several punctures may be needed for large surface areas to be covered. The surgeons place the drain tubes for draining the excess fluid.


    The results of the procedure are usually good for both men and women. You can lose between 7 to 11 pounds after liposuction surgery. You would feel the curvaceous and toned body that would ultimately boost your self-confidence. The scars would become unnoticeable within a period.

    source: https://www.sooperarticles.com/health-fitness-articles/weight-loss-articles/possible-remove-fat-loss-specific-body-areas-1836912.html

    Disclaimer:- Content and images on this post are for information purposes only.

  • If Embarrassing ‘Male Breasts’ Bother You, Here’s a Solution

    If Embarrassing ‘Male Breasts’ Bother You, Here’s a Solution

    We are the best in gynecomastia surgery / male breast reduction and offer the best gland removal surgery/ gynecomastia surgery cost in Delhi. The plastic surgeon removes the excess skin, excess fat through VASER liposuction, tightens the skin and reshapes the chest to be in proportion with the rest of the body by the best gynecomastia surgeon in Delhi.

    Gynecomastia is an embarrassing condition for men, characterized by enlarged breasts. Around, 24 percent to 65 percent of men aged 50 to 80 are struggling with gynecomastia also called man boobs.

    It is important to know that it is a medical condition if you have a healthy BMI. However, some people may opt for surgical removal of enlarged breasts, if it comprises their confidence and self-esteem.

    We have expert male breast reduction surgeon in Delhi who can help you feel good about your body by removing enlarged breasts.

    Book an appointment to schedule your consultation today! And Say “Hello” To A Perfect Flat Chest!!

    Causes of Gynecomastia

    Most people believe estrogen is a female-only hormone. But, it’s a 100 percent true belief as the men may have it too, in small quantities though. And, the higher secretion of estrogen in men, especially in adolescents is the major reason for developing enlarged breasts as it disrupts the testosterone and estrogen balance.

    Gynecomastia can bother men during different life stages such as:

    • At the time of birth (generally due to the mother’s estrogen levels)
    • Puberty or adolescence (due to hormonal changes), and 
    • Adulthood (usually due to increased body fat)
    • Using some medications antibiotics, chemotherapy, anabolic steroids, and ADHD medications may lead to testosterone-estrogen imbalance
    • The use of recreational drugs (marijuana and heroin etc.) or Illicit drugs. and alcohol 

    And what they all have in common is the presence of embarrassing enlarged breasts. You can contact our experienced gynecomastia surgeon in Delhi to get rid of enlarged breasts.

    Common Indications of Gynecomastia

    The following signs may indicate the presence of a lump or fatty tissue beneath the nipple attributing to gynecomastia or man boobs:

    • Breast tenderness
    • Nipple sensitivity when rubbed against clothes
    • Pain, especially in adolescents
    • Swollen breast tissue

    Diagnosis of Gynecomastia

    We have the best plastic surgeon in Delhi who will look for symptoms and order certain medical examinations to see if you have enlarged breasts. The most commonly used tests are:

    • Mammograms
    • CT scan
    • Tissue biopsies
    • Testicular ultrasounds
    • Chest X-rays
    • Blood tests
    • Urine tests
    • Computerized tomography (CT) scans
    • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans

    Surgical Treatment of Gynecomastia

    The elimination of excess breast tissue through surgical procedure involves the following steps:

    1. The first step is to administer anesthesia to make you feel calm and relaxed during the surgical procedures.
    2. Then, our experienced cosmetic surgeons in Delhi may adopt the best to remove the excess fatty tissue. They may use different techniques like liposuction or excision technique to do the needful.

    You can talk to our gynecomastia surgeon in Delhi to know more about the procedures and the possible risks and benefits of the same.

    Recovering from Enlarged Breast Surgery

    Be prepared for the following discomforts or adjustments for a few days following the surgery:

    • Dressings or bandages on the surgical site. 
    • Adjusting with a small, thin tube placed to drain out any excess fluid from the incision
    • Adhering to the medication schedule
    • Reporting any severe discomfort to your plastic surgeon in Delhi

    Expectations from the Male Breast Reduction Surgery

    The outcome of the gynecomastia surgery is generally permanent, provided you address the cause of the enlarged breast tissue. Sticking to a healthy lifestyle and maintaining a healthy weight can help prevent the development of gynecomastia again. 

    What is the Cost of Gynecomastia Surgery?

    The gynecomastia cost in Delhi depends on certain factors such as the experience and reputation of the surgeon and the quality of the services. We, at IPACT Medical Centre, offer the best male breast reduction cost in Delhi, New Delhi, South Delhi (India) while ensuring that you get the optimum services.

    Feel free to contact us to know more about our cosmetic surgery packages and other related information.

    IPACT Aesthetics Center
    Phone: +91-7290001284, 7290001285, 7290001286
    Location: Ground Floor, 13, Palam Marg, Vasant Vihar, Opposite Malai Mandir, Delhi – 110057

    Disclaimer:- Content and images on this post are for information purposes only.

  • Not Happy with Your Nose Appearance? Rhinoplasty Can Help

    Not Happy with Your Nose Appearance? Rhinoplasty Can Help

    We are the best in rhinoplasty surgery / nose reshaping and offer the best nose surgery/ rhinoplasty surgery cost in Delhi. Enjoy the long lasting desirable results after rhinoplasty procedure for aesthetics as well as for functional rhinoplasty by the best rhinoplasty surgeon in Delhi.

    Book an appointment to schedule your consultation today! And Say “Hello” To A Perfect Nose Shape!!

    While the inner beauty of a person is regarded as the real beauty, your outer appearance is significant in defining one’s confidence and self-esteem. And when it comes to facial characteristics, the nose has an important part to play. Apart from the cosmetic appeal, the nose is a vital organ of our respiratory system, as it helps in breathing. 

    People may also feel breathing difficulties due to problems in the nose structure. So be it for cosmetic reasons or to improve aesthetic appeal, rhinoplasty can act as a potent solution. Rhinoplasty is a surgical cosmetic procedure that can help patients achieve desired or required changes in all skin, bone, and cartilage. 

    You can meet our best rhinoplasty surgeon in Delhi to check your eligibility and the best possible success rate for rhinoplasty.

    Scope areas of rhinoplasty

    You can consider a rhinoplasty procedure if you have the following expectations: 

    • Improving your nose facial symmetry for a better appearance
    • Facing breathing difficulties due to nose shape and structure
    • Looking to repair a birth deformity or a defect from an injury

    However, these are only the possible reasons for considering rhinoplasty. You need to meet the qualified cosmetic surgeon in India to see if you are physically and mentally ready for the procedure then, reshape your nose with rhinoplasty surgery.

    Factors defining your eligibility for rhinoplasty

    When you meet our experienced plastic surgeons, they will ask about your expectations and the best possible results you can expect. It will include certain parameters such as: 

    –         Understanding expectations: Before any surgical procedure, a mutual agreement on realistic expectations is important. So you meet our rhinoplasty surgeon in Delhi, and they will tell you the best possible results you can expect. They will proceed further only if a mutual consensus is achieved between you and your surgeon.

    –         Your medical history: Medical history means checking if you have ever suffered from nasal obstruction, are taking any medications, or have had surgeries undergone in past. The doctor will also enquire if are experiencing bleeding disorders like hemophilia. 

    –         Your family history: Family history is important in the view that it gives an idea of your vulnerability to a particular procedure or medication. So, they may ask the same questions about your family as they asked about you.

    –         Physical examination: When you come for the meeting, be prepared for some blood tests and physical examination to be 100 percent sure if you meet the eligibility criteria for the rhinoplasty procedure.

    –         Other Important things: In the meeting, your doctor will address your queries while giving you important suggestions on how you can prepare for the surgery. It will include advice on food and medications you should take or avoid, and things you should do or don’t do. 

    All about the rhinoplasty procedure

    Rhinoplasty is a cosmetic procedure that involves surgical correction of the shape and structure of your nose. Our surgeons prefer two widely used procedures to perform rhinoplasty: Open Rhinoplasty and Closed Rhinoplasty.

    Like most cosmetic surgeries rhinoplasty requires the use of general anesthesia. A cut has to be made to make the required changes, which is then sealed with the help of stitches. Generally, we discharge our patients the same day or after overnight supervision, if you require:

    Make sure you take necessary post-surgery precautions that may include:

    – Reporting excess bleeding or discomfort to your doctor

    – Don’t do any strenuous activities such as aerobics, jogging, and others

    – Avoiding stressful extreme facial expressions

    – Brushing your teeth gently

    – Avoiding clothes that put a strain on wounds

    These precautions are necessary for the view that doing that may increase the risk of bleeding, infection, and rare complications like difficulty in breathing, Scarring, swelling, pain, swelling, or others.

    What is the cost of nose surgery?

    While the final cost may vary as per different criteria, we can assure you that you’ll get the best rhinoplasty cost in Delhi or nose surgery cost in Delhi, New Delhi, South Delhi (India) from us. Contact our representatives or share your contact details to believe what we say.

    source: https://www.ipactcenter.com/not-happy-with-your-nose-appearance-rhinoplasty-can-help/

    Disclaimer:- Content and images on this post are for information purposes only.

  • What are the dos & don’ts before surgery?

    What are the dos & don’ts before surgery?

    Say Goodbye to Gynecomastia & 100% Assured Results – Best Gynecomastia/Male Chest Reduction Treatment in Delhi

    Gynaecomastia is commonly seen in gym-going men who consume synthetic supplements or steroids. It is important to mention these things to your treating doctor to get the best results. Before surgery, it is always recommended to quit smoking or any other drugs for at least 4-6 weeks to get the best results. Any consumption of alcohol or herbal medications & things that can stimulate the blood in that area with excess caffeine or even green tea are advised to be discontinued at least a week before undergoing surgery. Post-surgery, gynaecomastia might lead to the formation of some amount of bruising or pain & discomfort in the operated area. A pressure garment will be given to you to support your area & help reshape it as soon as possible. But is very important to remember that gyming is a strict no for 4-6 weeks until the area has completely healed.

    For more details about gynecomastia surgery in Delhi or about male breas-t reduction cost, you can contact us at our helpline number right away.

    IPACT Aesthetics Center
    Phone: +91-7290001284, 7290001285, 7290001286
    Email Id: info@ipactcenter.com
    Website: https://www.ipactcenter.com/gynecomastia/
    Location: Ground Floor, 13, Palam Marg, Vasant Vihar, Opposite Malai Mandir, Delhi – 110057

    Disclaimer:- Content and images on this post are for information purposes only.

  • What are the precautions needed after Rhinoplasty surgery?

    What are the precautions needed after Rhinoplasty surgery?

    After surgery, your nose is packed with plaster to immobilise grafts. The nose pack is removed after 48-72 hrs post, which you can breathe easily. The splint is typically taken out after seven days of surgery. Avoid injury or manipulation of the nose, meaning do not go in very crowded places, thus avoiding a sudden hit or fall. The excessive blowing of the nose should also be avoided as if you blow your nose too much, nasal vessels may get dilated, leading to bleeding. Nasal drops are given post-surgery to clear out any crusting. It is important to remember that there can be some swelling and bruising; therefore, it is essential to take some time off when you are planning for this procedure.

    For more details about rhinoplasty surgery in Delhi or about rhinoplasty cost, you can contact us at our helpline number right away.

    IPACT Aesthetics Center
    Phone: +91-7290001284, 7290001285, 7290001286
    Email Id: info@ipactcenter.com
    Website: https://www.ipactcenter.com/rhinoplasty/
    Location: Ground Floor, 13, Palam Marg, Vasant Vihar, Opposite Malai Mandir, Delhi – 110057

    Disclaimer:- Content and images on this post are for information purposes only.

  • Beautify Your Back with Brazilian Butt Lift

    Beautify Your Back with Brazilian Butt Lift

    The shape of your butt plays an important role in giving you a well-proportioned, attractive body. Everyone desires for a round, full buttock that stays firm and intact. If your buttocks are disproportionate, they have lost shape, or they have started sagging, then a Brazilian Butt Lift can be your way to go. Read on to know more about this amazing butt lift technique and how to perform Brazilian butt lift surgery in Delhi by plastic surgeon.

    Who Can Go for Brazilian Butt Lift?

    Brazilian Butt Lift is a surgical procedure that can be of great help if you long for improved shape and enhanced size of your buttocks. You can be a good candidate for the procedure if you meet any of the following conditions:

    • If you want to increase the size of your buttocks without any artificial implants
    • If you want to improve the curves of your bottom
    • If you have fat pockets on your butt, belly or thighs and you want to reduce them
    • If you want add fullness to your buttocks
    • If you want your clothes to fit properly
    • If you want to give a youthful look to your lower half
    • If you want to achieve enhanced proportion and balance between your lower and upper body
    • If you want to get rid of extra, sagging skin on your thighs, hips or buttocks

    Conditions to Meet Before Going for the Procedure

    If you have made up your mind to go for a Brazilian Butt Lift, there are certain conditions that will enhance your chances of success. First of all, it would help if the skin of your hips and buttocks is healthy. Since fat will be taken from other parts of your body and injected in your hips, it would be better if you have sufficient fat stores in those areas.

    What to Expect During a Brazilian Butt Lift?

    Basically, there are three steps involved in the process:

    1. Removal of fat from your hips, thighs, lower back, abdomen and other regions with the process of liposuction
    2. Purification of extracted fat and preparation for transfer
    3. Injection of purified fat into certain points of your buttocks to improve shape and volume

    The procedure is often conducted as an outpatient surgery under general or local anesthesia.

    Recovery After Brazilian Butt Lift

    You may experience some pain after getting your buttocks operated, but that can be easily managed with pain killers. However, your surgeon will advise you against lying or sitting directly on your buttocks for around 2 weeks. After a few days, you may be allowed to sit on a donut seat or place a pillow under thighs to reduce pressure on buttocks. It may take several weeks before you can resume your normal sitting activities. So, be ready for that and follow your doctor’s instructions.

    Choosing a Surgeon for Brazilian Butt Lift

    This is a complex surgery that needs experienced eyes of a highly qualified surgeon. The professional expert that you choose should have extensive training in techniques of fat transfer. Remember, not all cosmetic surgeons have this kind of specialized training. So, choose your surgeon very carefully.

    While making your decision, ask how many similar surgeries they have done in the past, and look at their client’s before and after photos. Based on these, you can make a better selection of your cosmetic surgeon.

    Conclusion When performed by a qualified, trained and experienced surgeon, your Brazilian Butt Lift procedure can have high chances of success and long lasting results. Just make sure you follow your surgeon’s instructions before and after the procedure for best outcome.

    IPACT Aesthetics Center
    Phone: +91-7290001284, 7290001285, 7290001286
    Email Id: info@ipactcenter.com
    Location: Ground Floor, 13, Palam Marg, Vasant Vihar, Opposite Malai Mandir, Delhi – 110057

    Disclaimer:- Content and images on this post are for information purposes only.

  • Plumper Lips Possible With Lip Augmentation

    Plumper Lips Possible With Lip Augmentation

    Lip augmentation is a type of cosmetic surgery that aims at giving you plumper and fuller lips. Most commonly, injectable dermal fillers are injected into the lips to increase their volume. There may be different types of dermal fillers that are often injected around the mouth or into the lips. most of the dermal fillers used today contain hyaluronic acid and other such substances.

    Hyaluronic acid is one of the natural substances found in human body. Dermal fillers containing hyaluronic acid are found to be extremely helpful in increasing your lips volume. Earlier, surgeons used collagen as dermal fillers, but now, modern dermal fillers containing hyaluronic acid are longer lasting and even safer for the user. Implants and fat injections are also used to augment lips, but the results may vary and there are high chances of side effects.

    Effects to Expect from Lip Augmentation

    Dermal fillers injected in your lips during the process of lip augmentation contain gel that provides support and shape to your lip tissues. With this process, you can benefit in the following ways:

    • You can decide the volume of your lips as per your personal expectations. Tell your doctor how much volume you want for your lips. Depending on that the doctor can decide how much filler should be injected in your lips.
    • Lip augmentation is not an overnight procedure. The injections are given one at a time during different scheduled appointments until you receive the desired results.
    • Unlike other procedures, this surgery does not leave any bumps on your skin. Even if there are any bumps or lumps, they dissolve easily by regular movement of your lips.
    • There is minimal bruising on your lips. As compared to other surgical procedures, there is almost no swelling and bruising with dermal fillers.
    • Although the results are not permanent, they are long lasting and can stay for years.
    • Hyaluronic acid Used to make these fillers is made up of natural substances that are similar to those present in the human body. Because of this, there is almost no chance of any allergic reaction. However, if you have allergy to lidocaine, let your doctor know beforehand.

    How Lip Augmentation is Done?

    Lip augmentation done with the help of injections is quickly completed in a doctor’s office. However, if we you are going for a fat injection procedure, then it may take longer, as it involves removing fat from one part of the body and injecting it into the lips.

    Before starting your surgery, the doctor will apply a topical numbing agent on your lips, so that you don’t feel any discomfort during the procedure. Sometimes, the doctor may decide to numb your lips completely by giving you a nerve block injection. This injection is like an anesthetic injection that dentists use for numbing your mouth. Then the surgeon marks areas of your lips to be injected with fillers. Extremely fine needles area used to inject the filter in your lips. Then they may give you ice to hold onto the area to avoid any swelling and discomfort, but they will ask you not to apply any pressure.

    After Care

    Once your surgery is complete, you will be able to notice the difference almost immediately. Once your lips get healed, they will look and feel exactly like natural. However, your surgeon will advise you not to apply any lip cosmetics for a few days.

    So, if you want to make your lips plumper without going through an extensive liposuction or surgery, then lip augmentation with dermal fillers would be a better option for you. Just follow your doctor’s instructions and show up at the scheduled appointments.

    source: https://ipactcenter.medium.com/actplumper-lips-possible-with-lip-augmentation-f91dd70fa572

    IPACT Aesthetics Center
    Phone: +91-7290001284, 7290001285, 7290001286
    Email Id: info@ipactcenter.com
    Website: https://www.ipactcenter.com
    Location: Ground Floor, 13, Palam Marg, Vasant Vihar, Opposite Malai Mandir, Delhi – 110057

    Disclaimer:- Content and images on this post are for information purposes only.

  • Facelift Surgery for Younger Appearance in Your Face

    Facelift Surgery for Younger Appearance in Your Face

    In most cases, the right age to undergo facelift surgery is between the 40s and 70s because this is usually the time when patients start noticing undesirable changes to neckline, face, cheeks, and jowls. Until a few years back, people believed it was best to wait as long as possible before opting for this cosmetic surgery procedure, an increasing number of people are now undergoing a facelift timely to make sure they maintain a youthful and natural appearance.

    ALSO READ HERE: Look Young and Feel Better with Face Lift

    You can contact IPACT Aesthetics Center in New Delhi, leave no stone unturned to ensure that medical tourists from different countries get world-class healthcare services related to cosmetic surgery in India.

    You can contact us anytime and enquire about facelift surgery.

    IPACT Aesthetics Center
    Phone: +91–7290001284, 7290001285, 7290001286
    Email Id: info@ipactcenter.com
    Website: https://www.ipactcenter.com/facelift/
    Location: Ground Floor, 13, Palam Marg, Vasant Vihar, Opposite Malai Mandir, Delhi — 110057

    Disclaimer:- Content and images on this post are for information purposes only.

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